Little Feet

Nathan inhaled deeply and held his breath, allowing the chemicals in the smoke to pass into his bloodstream. He exhaled slowly, feeling the cool wave of intoxication that followed liberate his mind from the cage of reason. Under the covers at his side, thin bony fingers found the outside of his right thigh and slipped softly over the top of it to explore his groin. 

Lantern Waste

It begins with the cat. Tail curling, back arching, its proprietorial pavement strut a provocation too far for the watching mongrel stray. Flea-bitten and wretched, but still dog enough to take up the chase, he races across the street.

The Path to Enlightenment

Welcome to this week’s offering for Friday Fictioneers. The task is to come up with a story in 100 words or less using the picture as a prompt. My story is below, I hope you enjoy it. At the bottom of the story is a link where you kind find other people’s stories to read. […]

The Contract

“You mean I just sign that, and I’ll be able to walk again?” Linda rolled the wheelchair forwards and picked up the contract. “How much is this gonna cost me?” The salesman smiled, “not a penny in this life ma’am, we collect post-mortem.” “From my estate?” “You could put it that way.” “Well, I guess […]


It’s out now, the fourth episode of the Oddcast! How long can he keep this up? I hear you say! Well, I’m just taking it one week at a time, but if nobody bothers to listen I will probably lose enthusiasm quite quickly, so help me out please! Listen to my podcast and let me […]

Tales from the Oddcast – Episode 3

This week’s Podcast story is Advice from Mum. You can find the text version below for those of you who prefer using your eyes to listening with your ears. If you missed the podcast, don’t worry, it’s still there and available on eight different podcast platforms, all you have to do is to follow the link […]