The Overlap

He awoke between the twisted forks of a blackened tree, its leafless boughs bent almost to the ground in places, as if time and gravity had eroded all strength from the tree’s ancient limbs.

Little Feet

Nathan inhaled deeply and held his breath, allowing the chemicals in the smoke to pass into his bloodstream. He exhaled slowly, feeling the cool wave of intoxication that followed liberate his mind from the cage of reason. Under the covers at his side, thin bony fingers found the outside of his right thigh and slipped softly over the top of it to explore his groin. 

Tales from the Oddcast – Episode 3

This week’s Podcast story is Advice from Mum. You can find the text version below for those of you who prefer using your eyes to listening with your ears. If you missed the podcast, don’t worry, it’s still there and available on eight different podcast platforms, all you have to do is to follow the link […]

The Diorama

She looks at the Diorama, then back at Shelby, then repeats the sequence. She raises her left hand to her chest, fingers splayed, pearl manicured nails flashing in the workshop lights and begins tap, tap, tapping her chest, sending little quivering shocks through the open cleavage of her ample breasts. She is panting now, her breasts rising and falling with the rapid expanding and contracting, still quivering as she taps faster.  The warmth and relaxation that followed the meal and the wine is now evaporating amidst a rising panic.

The Snow Globe – A Christmas Story

As Christmas is the time for repeats I thought I would post a repeat of my own, especially as I haven’t written many stories lately. Hope you enjoy 🙂 The Snow Globe – A Christmas Story The slender man in the donkey jacket and flat cap stamped his feet, the thick soles of his boots […]

Island – The Daily Prompt

  “No man is an island,” she said, only one corner of her mouth upturned, as if the other side gave evidence of the lack of her conviction. I said nothing, for nothing came to mind. I did not wish to lend the impression that my mood had lightened, or my resolution softened, yet I […]

The Therapist

Cooper sat nervous and alone on the vinyl bench seating in the therapists waiting room. On the other side of the bland white room the Afro-Caribbean receptionist sat at a battered imitation oak desk, reading The Enquirer. She never raised her eyes to make contact with his, or offered Cooper any other communication than the […]

The Carpenter’s Tale

  Title: The Carpenter’s Tale – A short(ish) story                                                                 Frank Ward stood back and admired his craftsmanship. He had built his gallows from solid oak, […]